just learn scala - Resources

In this page there is a collection of resources available for free on internet regarding some of the main Scala topics.
Since we don’t have control of the content of these articles to allow having more trustable information the same information can be overlapping in the various resources.

Every topic has a difficulty indicator that varies from A1 to L3. To find the meaning of it please refer to the Martin Odersky related interesting description of the Scala programmers levels. As a guideline for the content of this page is followed the index of the book Scala for the Impatient.

The Basics (A1)

Control Structures and Functions (A1)

Arrays (A1)

Maps and Tuples (A1)

Maps and Tuples 1
Maps and Tuples 2
Maps and Tuples 3
Maps and Tuples 4
Maps and Tuples 5
Maps and Tuples 6
Maps and Tuples 7
Maps and Tuples 8
Maps and Tuples 9
Maps and Tuples 10
Maps and Tuples 11
Maps and Tuples 12

Classes (A1)

Objects (A1)

Packages and Imports (A1)

Inheritance (A1)

Files and Regular Expressions (A1)

Traits (L1)

Traits 1
Traits 2
Traits 3
Traits 4
Traits 5
Traits 6
Traits 7
Traits 8

Operators (L1)

Higher-Order Functions (L1)

Collections (A2)

Pattern Matching and Case Classes (A2)

Annotations (A2)

XML Processing (A2)

Type Parameters (L2)

Advanced Types (L2)

Parsing and Domain-Specific Languages (A3)

Actors (A3)

Implicits (L3)

Delimited Continuations (L3)